Mythbuster Monday #3

Myth: Honors students have to take all Honors classes. 
I’ve heard (and quite a few times at that) a rumor that Honors students have to take all Honors level classes. This is definitely false! Although I am a freshman currently, I am aware that only one of my classes in my freshman year has been at an “honors” level. That class is COMH 121, or public speaking. This class is required for all first years Honors students. All second year students in Honors, excluding those concluding their Honors experience after receiving an associate’s degree, must complete one Honors course during the first and second semester of their second year.  Many students have been upset by this requirement, but I honestly don’t see why. Being the planner I am, I have already mapped out a tentative course schedule for my whole undergraduate career (remember, I’m just a freshman!). And, as a Pre-Pharmacy student, I have a curriculum to follow- not a degree-granting program. Although, it is very easy to attain an Associate’s Degree with this curriculum. All I need to achieve a degree is my curriculum plus a few credits of social awareness/global consciousness/cultural enrichment. Taking these Honors classes (I have decided on mythology and science fiction hopefully!) are able to count for two cultural enrichment courses and one global consciousness! I’m “killing two birds with one stone” by taking these classes. Many programs already have these types of courses built in. Plus, my public speaking class is fun. I am absolutely terrified of public speaking, and scored “extremely high” on a test pertaining to my speaking anxiety. With the right professor, I’ve already conquered my fear, a third of the way into the semester. And, although Honors requires a public speaking class, your program will most likely require or recommend it, and you will totally benefit from it. The rest of my classes are a mix of Honors and non-Honors students.
A list of the current (Spring 2013) classes are listed here. This is a list of the typical Honors course offerings.
Mythbuster Monday features are written by the Endeavor editor, Logan Bixman.

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